James A Garfield A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil. – James A Garfield Brave Quotes Dares Quotes Devil Quotes If wrinkles must be written on our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old. All free governments are managed by the combined wisdom and folly of the people.
Sameera Reddy I won’t fool anybody by saying, ‘Oh! I’m a private person.’ I love people, flashbulbs and the paparazzi. – Sameera Reddy
DadMike Birbiglia My dad goes through war novels like I go through boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. – Mike Birbiglia
Gavin Esler When I visit universities in the U.A.E., the U.S. and across Europe, I see the faces of the leaders of tomorrow. – Gavin Esler
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