Neil MacGregor A collection that embraces the whole world allows you to consider the whole world. That is what an institution such as the British Museum is for. – Neil MacGregor British Quotes Collection Quotes Embraces Quotes Institution Quotes Museum Quotes The deciphering of ancient scripts changed forever the way Europeans were able to imagine the story of humanity, destroying centuries of received authority about the past with repercussions as important for our understanding of time and history as the geological studies of the same period. Hardest of all for Europeans to negotiate are traditional African religions, whose transactions with unseen powers are central to the running of life in many areas, the main weapon in the struggle against the forces of evil.
Robert Jay Lifton Sometimes it’s said that psychiatrists are doctors who are frightened by the sight of blood. I might have fallen into that category. – Robert Jay Lifton
Ben Dolnick A novel is no mere assemblage of gears; it is a wild and living being. And how are you to discern the intentions of a creature – to discover its true nature – other than by close and respectful observation? – Ben Dolnick
Eva Gutowski I’m so grateful to have my viewers, and they all have been so supportive through the years. – Eva Gutowski
Heinrich HeineWedding The Wedding March always reminds me of the music played when soldiers go into battle. – Heinrich Heine
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