Edward Tufte A curious consequence is that I have become a minor celebrity. – Edward Tufte Celebrity Quotes Consequence Quotes Curious Quotes Minor Quotes It is straightforward for me to be ethical, responsible, and kind-hearted because I have the resources to support that. Public discussions are part of what it takes to make changes in the trillions of graphics published each year.
Berlie Doherty I love writing picture books and story books because of the exciting, visual life that artists and illustrators give to them. And most of all, I love writing novels because of the inner, emotional journeys that they take me on. Hopefully, the reader comes with me! – Berlie Doherty
Dabney Coleman I’m convinced that the place, if you have your druthers, to go to have that experience is New York City. – Dabney Coleman
Bob Beckel What I have learned over hundreds of campaigns is if you have lost voters who have supported you in the past, you can get them back. If you never had them, it is a very difficult sell. – Bob Beckel
Randeep Hooda I don’t see anything wrong in someone wanting to be famous or having sky-high ambitions. – Randeep Hooda
Bob Shacochis I consider myself a writer who writes about American expatriates. And if I have any overt cause as a writer besides writing the best prose I can, it’s to try to make Americans have a more visceral feeling about how America impacts everybody in the world. – Bob Shacochis
Sarah Hay Women should be happy with their bodies. Not being afraid of yourself is very empowering. – Sarah Hay
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