Don Marquis A demagogue is a person with whom we disagree as to which gang should mismanage the country. – Don Marquis Country Quotes Demagogue Quotes Disagree Quotes Gang Quotes Mismanage Quotes Person Quotes I have often noticed that ancestors never boast of the descendants who boast of ancestors. I would rather start a family than finish one. Blood will tell, but often it tells too much. The trouble with the public is that there is too much of it; what we need in public is less quantity and more quality.
Iyanla Vanzant In 2002, my daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of colon cancer. And it was such a shock, a surprise to us. – Iyanla Vanzant
Joni ErnstWomen It’s not enough to be a woman. You have to care about women’s issues. And women’s issues here in Iowa are that we have a strong economy. We have jobs that our sons and daughters can go off to someday. We have a great educational system. And women want strong national defense. We want to know that our families are going to be safe. – Joni Ernst
Sam Raimi If a remake is not good, no one wants to see it and, again, it doesn’t hurt the original. – Sam Raimi
Homer Hickam The time frame is summer 1961, a year after the gold medal in the National Science Fair. I always saw my ‘Coalwood’ books as a trilogy. This book finishes the story of my life in Coalwood. I think it’s the best of the three. – Homer Hickam
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