HealthRobert Foster Bennett A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control. – Robert Foster Bennett Born Quotes Charge Quotes Control Quotes Desire Quotes Essential Quotes Health Quotes Lives Quotes Mental Quotes Success Quotes I love working out. It’s my release. I’ve done it since I’ve been in the military. Having deinstitutionalized mental health, we have not created the structure and the institutions to take care of people, to identify when there is a mental health problem, and to get the treatment to people.
Pankaj Mishra Countries that managed to rebuild commanding state structures after popular nationalist revolutions – such as China, Vietnam, and Iran – look stable and cohesive when compared with a traditional monarchy such as Thailand or wholly artificial nation-states like Iraq and Syria. – Pankaj Mishra
Harry Seidler Borne out of this, starting around the 17th Century was the Baroque era. It is my view that it is one of the architectural peak periods in western civilisation. – Harry Seidler
N T Wright Far too many people, especially within evangelicalism, think that the individual is all that matters, and that the corporate dimension is a distraction or diversion. Of course Christianity is deeply personal for every single Christian; nobody gets lost in the kingdom of God. But you can’t play that off against the corporate dimension. – N T Wright
FriendshipWarren Christopher I’ve got many close friends, but there’s an awful lot about friendship that is not demonstrative in my case. – Warren Christopher
Jean Paul Whenever, at a party, I have been in the mood to study fools, I have always looked for a great beauty: they always gather round her like flies around a fruit stall. – Jean Paul
Barbara Castle Another example of that was that even during the economic problems of the 1945 government, we managed to carry out other aspects of our policy and other ideals. Through the establishment of national parks, for instance. – Barbara Castle
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