Peter Thiel A diploma is a dunce hat in disguise. – Peter Thiel Diploma Quotes Disguise Quotes Dunce Quotes Hat Quotes Wall Street is always too biased toward short-term profitability and biased against long-term growth. Americans mythologize competition and credit it with saving us from socialist bread lines. Actually, capitalism and competition are opposites. Capitalism is premised on the accumulation of capital, but under perfect competition, all profits get competed away.
Hermann von Helmholtz Now, the external work of man is of the most varied kind as regards the force or ease, the form and rapidity, of the motions used on it, and the kind of work produced. – Hermann von Helmholtz
Aaron Judge I talked to a few schools about playing football, but I had already pretty much made my mind up. I fell in love with baseball at a young age, and I knew that that’s what I wanted to do. – Aaron Judge
Joe Don Baker I just hope that I don’t get typecast a a cowboy. If I wanted to rid the range all the time, I could have stayed in Texas. – Joe Don Baker
Elisabeth Moss We grew up with musicians coming over jamming. We had tons of instruments. So holidays were always like, 50 people would come over, and there would be a jam session with everyone playing jazz. – Elisabeth Moss
Colin MorganInspirational I think anyone who has a passion for what they love to do, and who pursue it, is inspirational for me. – Colin Morgan
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