Patrick O'Brian A freewheeling mind can conceive a virtually infinite number of sequences, but just how that mind picks out and stores those that may perhaps be used later to deal with a given tension, a given situation, is far beyond my understanding. – Patrick O’Brian Conceive Quotes Deal Quotes Freewheeling Quotes Infinite Quotes Mind Quotes Picks Quotes Sequences Quotes Situation Quotes Stores Quotes Tension Quotes Understanding Quotes Virtually Quotes I have never written for an audience. On the other hand I do not write merely to please myself. Since I grew up, I have never deliberately used any technique at all other than the physical shaping of my tale so that it more or less resembles what has been thought of as a novel for these last two hundred years.
Paul Nurse This time at Birmingham turned me into a general biologist, and ever since then I have always tried to take a biological approach to any research project that I have undertaken. – Paul Nurse
Charles T Canady Families are not merely constructs of outdated convention, and traditional marriage laws were not based on animosity toward homosexuals. Rather, I believe that the traditional family structure – centered on a lawful union between one man and one woman – comports with nature and with our Judeo-Christian moral tradition. – Charles T Canady
BeautyKatrina Kaif For me, physical beauty is never the reason for attraction to anyone. – Katrina Kaif
Billie EilishHome When I do have free time, I spend it with friends, or I spend it at home writing or making something. – Billie Eilish
Billy Evans In all probability, when the 1919 series is over, a diagnosis of it will show that the final result was brought about by some unusual situation or freak happening that was given no consideration when the relative strength of the two clubs was considered. – Billy Evans
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