Christine Lahti A friend of mine described it this way: When they were born it was like a meteor landed in our house and blew everything apart. We had to just put all the pieces back. – Christine Lahti Blew Quotes Born Quotes Friend Quotes House Quotes Landed Quotes Meteor Quotes Pieces Quotes After doing so many different roles, if you don’t stretch yourself, there’s no excitement left. I’m more proud of quitting smoking than of anything else I’ve done in my life, including winning an Oscar.
Diego Della Valle We must never lose sight of the fact that shoes go on the feet, and if people can’t walk in them, they are worthless. Fashion designers who are not specialists need the help of technical people. We help decide the collections together. – Diego Della Valle
Oscar Hijuelos As a kid I had all kinds of questions about how I fit it with my neighborhood and friends and other Latinos. – Oscar Hijuelos
Cory Michael Smith Forensic Files’ is amazing! I love it! There were marathons happening all the time in college. That show, because it’s always on at night, was always better than any scary movie I could put on, because it was ‘real.’ – Cory Michael Smith
James Haskell Trust me, Stade is not a comfortable place to be if you’re losing, regardless of the venue. – James Haskell
Kathryn McCormick Dance is a physical and mental workout. Once you get your body moving, you’ll see a difference. – Kathryn McCormick
Murray Head First, I started with music singing, writing songs, playing music. Later, I got into acting. I’m not a brilliant musician or a brilliant actor. But, to me, they’re still great vehicles for expression. – Murray Head
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