Antonia Thomas A good cup of Earl Grey tea – you can’t beat it. – Antonia Thomas Beat Quotes Cup Quotes Earl Quotes Grey Quotes Tea Quotes It’s nice to have proper film fans respecting and appreciating your work.
EasterThomas Mallon I was raised – and still consider myself to be – Catholic, though I’m non-practicing and haven’t fulfilled my Easter duty since sometime during the Nixon years. I’m assailed by all kinds of stimulating doubts, but I do believe in God. – Thomas Mallon
Peter ThielSociety I believe that evolution is a true account of nature, but I think we should try to escape it or transcend it in our society. – Peter Thiel
DreamsJane Roberts Dreaming or awake, we perceive only events that have meaning to us. – Jane Roberts
Shawn Kemp When I was younger, I was a guy who always wanted to get to the rim and attack the rim and just dunk the basketball. – Shawn Kemp
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