Austin Aries A guy like AJ Styles is obviously a great talent and he’s going to go out there and put on a performance that’s befitting of a man who is the World Champion. – Austin Aries Aj Quotes Befitting Quotes Champion Quotes Guy Quotes Performance Quotes Styles Quotes Talent Quotes I’ve been trying to make it my own way in an industry full of heels walking around in babyface costumes, and that brought out the worst in me. Go fail or succeed on your own merits, be your own man.
Roger Ver Setting regulatory certainty is very important for bitcoin. I’m opposed to the regulations, but the bitcoin businesses need to know the rules of the game in order to move ahead. – Roger Ver
HumorRic Ocasek I think bands, when they’re on the road, they keep their sanity by developing an internal sense of humor. – Ric Ocasek
Steve Kornacki It’s been a very strange thing to see the attention my clothes have gotten, just because it’s so inversely related to the amount of thought I put into them. – Steve Kornacki
Chad Gilbert I always looked up to Billie Joe because every song on Green Day’s albums was catchy and good. – Chad Gilbert
Kathy Szeliga You have to work across the aisle. Americans have had enough of the gridlock in Washington. – Kathy Szeliga
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