Thomas MannTruth A harmful truth is better than a useful lie. – Thomas Mann Harmful Quotes Lie Quotes Truth Quotes The first step toward finding God, Who is Truth, is to discover the truth about myself: and if I have been in error, this first step to truth is the discovery of my error. Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Sidney Poitier I lived in a country where I couldn’t live where I wanted to live. I lived in a country where I couldn’t go where I wanted to eat. I lived in a country where I couldn’t get a job, except for those put aside for people of my colour or caste. – Sidney Poitier
FamousSeth Rogen The good thing about L.A. is that there’s always someone more famous 100 yards away from me. – Seth Rogen
Judy CollinsLife I have inspiration and feelings of being alive most every day I live. – Judy Collins
Ruth Porat If the door is nailed shut, and you’re ‘Leaning In,’ you’re just going to get bruised and battered. – Ruth Porat
Freddie Hubbard When I got started in New York, it wasn’t like it is now. If you were different from Miles and Dizzy, it was very difficult to make gigs and make money with your own style. – Freddie Hubbard
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