George Meredith A human act once set in motion flows on forever to the great account. Our deathlessness is in what we do, not in what we are. – George Meredith Account Quotes Deathlessness Quotes Flows Quotes Human Quotes Motion Quotes Set Quotes Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you lose. Cynicism is intellectual dandyism.
Jim Brown Even though the money is great and the fame is great, you still have a lot of disenfranchised young men that are participating in the NFL that are not very happy. A lot of them are very bitter. A lot them are very angry. So many of them have had no fathers and no home life, and basically, no education. – Jim Brown
Bobby Seale I’m a progressive. The progression has to be manifested in a new direction in policies and legislation. – Bobby Seale
Cass McCombs Even if I’m writing music, it’s with a lyric in mind, to communicate some kind of feeling. – Cass McCombs
Boots Riley The Occupy Wall Street movement, in general, by putting this idea out there that the one percent is leeching off the 99 percent, is making a new discussion, making people figure out how to withhold their labor and come and put their issues on the table with the ruling class all over the country and all over the world. – Boots Riley
Mark Waid We’re brought up to believe in a fairytale-romance sort of way that true love is out there and true loves don’t care about what you look like and stuff, just what’s down inside. And that’s probably true, but what’s also true, sadly, is that true loves are very rare and very hard to find. – Mark Waid
Chris Hughton The percentages of black and ethnic players compared to those in management is a massive gap. We have to make sure we work hard enough to resolve that. – Chris Hughton
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