Oren Etzioni A.I. should not be weaponized, and any A.I. must have an impregnable ‘off switch.’ – Oren Etzioni Impregnable Quotes Switch Quotes Weaponized Quotes We don’t want A.I. to engage in cyberbullying, stock manipulation, or terrorist threats; we don’t want the F.B.I. to release A.I. systems that entrap people into committing crimes. We don’t want autonomous vehicles that drive through red lights, or worse, A.I. weapons that violate international treaties. People thrive on genuine connections – not with machines, but with each other. You don’t want a robot taking care of your baby; an ailing elder needs to be loved, to be listened to, fed, and sung to. This is one job category that people are – and will continue to be – best at.
Jose Altuve In spring training, I just try to spread everything out so I can be 100 percent before the season starts. I don’t want to start feeling like I don’t get it once the season starts. I want to be 100 percent on Opening Day. – Jose Altuve
Andrew Cohen I’m not convinced that what are traditionally considered to be male energies or qualities or female energies or qualities really have as much to do with gender as many people think they do. – Andrew Cohen
Julian Fellowes To me, all success is a delightful surprise, since one can absolutely never predict it. – Julian Fellowes
Lu Guanqiu I want my people to work hard. But if they see me earning a lot more than they do, they would lose their sense of being owners of the factory, and what I say as factory manager wouldn’t stick. – Lu Guanqiu
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