Evan Parker A kind of synthesis, but with some elements that perhaps you wouldn’t have expected in advance. I always like that when that happens, when something comes that is more than the sum of the parts. – Evan Parker Advance Quotes Elements Quotes Expected Quotes Sum Quotes Synthesis Quotes To speak about notation as the only way that you can guarantee structure of course is already very suspect. But I think the record will actually come from tapes that are not yet recorded.
Gulzar I believe words should amaze or amuse. Only then will the listener want to understand the meaning of the song. – Gulzar
David Grinspoon Titan has rivers and lakes of liquid methane and ethane, methane weather systems of clouds and storms that mirror Earth’s hydrologic cycle, and seasonal cycles that rival Earth’s in complexity. – David Grinspoon
Robert Torricelli The day that I was elected to the United States Senate remains among the most cherished of my life. – Robert Torricelli
Martha McSally Our troops should not conform to customs that represent the marginalization of people and are incongruent with our fundamental values. – Martha McSally
Danielle Bregoli I bought a white Panamera – and then sold it because I had no use for it. – Danielle Bregoli
Ory Okolloh Ninety percent of my mentors have been male, most of them with very little in common with me on a personal level – from life experience, work experience, backgrounds, etc. – Ory Okolloh
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