Richard Steele A little in drink, but at all times your faithful husband. – Richard Steele Drink Quotes Faithful Quotes Husband Quotes Times Quotes There is no Pleasure like that of receiving Praise from the Praiseworthy. A woman seldom writes her mind but in her postscript.
Anna Karina Well, I think life is politics anyway. You can’t ignore it, but you can go very wrong in politics. You can say what you thought 50 years ago, but maybe you’re wrong today. – Anna Karina
Shaquill Griffin I remember my second year, in the playoff game in Dallas, I remember every play that happened. I remembered giving up a back-shoulder fade in the end zone, scoring. – Shaquill Griffin
Elaine Stritch I love Birmingham, Michigan. It’s lovely – you know, it’s very similar to the Hamptons. – Elaine Stritch
Lily TomlinTeacher I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. – Lily Tomlin
Frans van Houten Should one of your employees have a physical or mental health problem, I would argue that it is as much something for the employer as the individual to contend with. – Frans van Houten
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