Lauren Groff A lot of books about marriage are about marriages falling apart. – Lauren Groff Books Quotes Falling Quotes Lot Quotes Marriage Quotes Marriages Quotes We’re all functions of our societies, right? And we all become who we are because of the invisible forces that mold us. We think of stories a lot of the time as being horizontal texts, beginning to end. But I love the idea of having little vertical spikes in the story, too.
Jean Paul Gaultier Fashion is about what you look like, which translates to what you would like to be like. – Jean Paul Gaultier
Safra A Catz SAP is a great company, but they have their work cut out for them if they want to compete in databases. – Safra A Catz
Jenn Suhr It was a lot to get used to, especially in warm-ups with the wind all over the place. As the meet went on it steadied out, so I was able to get some good looks to go back and train from. – Jenn Suhr
Douglas Wilson Designing is a lot like a high-wire act – if the tightrope walker is only six inches off the ground, where’s the excitement? – Douglas Wilson
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