Robert Carlyle A lot of my work is with children and there’s a reason for that, because they really level you. – Robert Carlyle Children Quotes Level Quotes Lot Quotes Reason Quotes Anyone that knows me knows what I’m about, and I’m very much a British actor, a European actor. Vancouver’s a very child friendly city, there’s… no doubt about that.
Ernest Cline I’ve wanted to own a DeLorean since I was 10 years old, but it always seemed like a silly daydream. Like owning the ‘A-Team’ van or something. – Ernest Cline
Tahl Raz Spirituality is a growth industry. And nothing illustrates that better than the burgeoning crop of colossal sanctuaries sprouting up in suburbs across the land. – Tahl Raz
DreamsJunot Diaz We all dream dreams of unity, of purity; we all dream that there’s an authoritative voice out there that will explain things, including ourselves. – Junot Diaz
Sarah Hughes I want to do some skating and then go to law school in three years. I’m enjoying it and I’m going to see where it takes me. – Sarah Hughes
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