AngerExperienceJanet Fitch A lot of people think they should be happy all the time. But the writer understands you need both. You need the whole piano: the richness of the whole human experience. Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human. – Janet Fitch Anger Quotes Depression Quotes Experience Quotes Happy Quotes Human Quotes Janet Fitch Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Piano Quotes Richness Quotes Suffering Quotes Time Quotes Understands Quotes Writer Quotes A man who has never made a woman angry is a failure in life. 80-percent of ‘Enter the Void’ is a traditional narrative movie. I suppose it’s more similar to ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ or ‘Videodrome’ than it is to ‘Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome’ by Kenneth Anger, which is very experimental. It’s the other 10% of 20% that reminds you of the language and glamour of dreams.
Jane Welsh Carlyle A fashionable wife! Oh! Never will I be anything so heartless! I have pictured for myself a far higher destiny than this. – Will it ever be more than a picture? – Jane Welsh Carlyle
Richard Branson When I started Virgin from a basement in west London, there was no great plan or strategy. I didn’t set out to build a business empire… For me, building a business is all about doing something to be proud of, bringing talented people together and creating something that’s going to make a real difference to other people’s lives. – Richard Branson
Jonathan Safran Foer I want to talk about God in a literary way. But I think I would have a very hard time praying to God. – Jonathan Safran Foer
Lil Dicky I always dreamed of being an entertainer. So, my whole life to some extent, or from the age that I can remember onwards, I knew I was going to have to make some sort of attempt at being noticed for being funny. – Lil Dicky
Faith Salie Mother’s Day is a bittersweet day for many of us. We all have mothers, but some of us have lost them. – Faith Salie
Marlo Thomas Laughter is important, not only because it makes us happy, it also has actual health benefits. And that’s because laughter completely engages the body and releases the mind. It connects us to others, and that in itself has a healing effect. – Marlo Thomas
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