Johnny Thunders A lot of people want to die for a lot of reasons. – Johnny Thunders Die Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Reasons Quotes I don’t eat cereal actually… Frosted Flakes… that’s as close as I can get. Me and Jerry left because we felt we weren’t getting anywhere playing our old songs in tiny clubs. The group was getting stale and staying behind the times.
Hideo Kojima Metal Gear Solid’ is, for the most part, an infiltration game. You go somewhere, you execute your mission, then you go back. Those are your actions as the player. – Hideo Kojima
Francis LawrenceTravel I think the movie business and film crews are a little bit like the circus, in that we travel around like a pack and we’re a big family for a finite period of time. We roll into someplace, cause a bunch of damage, and then roll out. – Francis Lawrence
Chuck Pagano When you have things taken away, you promise you’ll never take anything for granted ever again. – Chuck Pagano
Brian Lumley If I had killed Crow off I can think of least six novels I would never have written, 400,000 words’ worth of very necessary experience. – Brian Lumley
Rex Ryan I have no problem at all if somebody disagrees with me on my politics, or on this, that or whatever. That’s fine. – Rex Ryan
James Comey What makes the bravery of the men and women of the FBI so special is that they know exactly what they’re in for. They spend weeks and weeks in an academy learning just how hard and dangerous this work is. Then they raise their right hands and take an oath and do that work anyway. – James Comey
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