Paul Pierce A lot of players know I’ve been around 13 years and this is my second lockout. I got a lot of respect. I know what’s going on both for the league and the union. – Paul Pierce League Quotes Lockout Quotes Lot Quotes Players Quotes Respect Quotes Union Quotes I’m a competitive player, and I love being on the court. If the NBA cancels the season I’m definitely looking at my options and considering going overseas. Kids get influenced by other kids.
Andrew Mitchell There’s nothing to be said for opposition. You can only talk about things and you can lay your plans. You can’t actually achieve very much; you have to be in government for that. – Andrew Mitchell
DreamsKevin Costner I’m a big fan of dreams. Unfortunately, dreams are our first casualty in life – people seem to give them up, quicker than anything, for a ‘reality.’ – Kevin Costner
T E Lawrence Isn’t it true that the fault of birth rests somewhat on the child? I believe it’s we who led our parents on to bear us, and it’s our unborn children who make our flesh itch. – T E Lawrence
Diane AbbottHealth Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it’s critical to wellbeing. – Diane Abbott
Eric Mabius If a woman is bed-heady and it doesn’t look put on, it’s pretty sexy. But when a woman is wearing a really smart dress with great heels and her hair is pulled back, that’s terribly sexy too – like an Audrey Hepburn kind of thing. – Eric Mabius
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