Aimee Lou Wood A lot of us have a trauma response of over-explaining and taking you away from what you’re actually feeling. – Aimee Lou Wood Feeling Quotes Lot Quotes Overexplaining Quotes Response Quotes Trauma Quotes More people know Aimee Gibbs than they know me – like millions more. As women, especially when you’re in an environment like school, you have to dilute yourself, because there isn’t space for the fully complex, complicated female character that you are.
Amruta KhanvilkarSmile I love kids a lot. I love to spend time with them. They give me the energy to live, and I would love to bring a smile on their faces. – Amruta Khanvilkar
Jake Epstein I grew up reading comics. I was primarily an ‘X-Men’ fan, but I definitely dressed up as Spider-Man for Halloween when I was, like, 12 years old. Maybe younger than that. – Jake Epstein
Chris Thile Generally speaking, I think one has to take reviews with a grain of salt, unless you know who the person is and what their qualifications are. – Chris Thile
Bianca Belair I’m the female version of my dad. He builds decks, he builds all types of chairs, my dad is really creative and really hands-on and so I really learned that from my dad. – Bianca Belair
Rudolf Otto Heavy pillars, carved from the rock, bear the roof. Slowly, one’s eyes become accustomed to the dim light; then they can make out marvelous representations from Indian mythology carved on the walls. – Rudolf Otto
Joe Walsh I was obsessive-compulsive, and I probably had a little splash of Asperger’s in there, but in those days, in 1953, you were just a difficult kid. Attention deficit didn’t even exist back then. I really had trouble completing tasks – I couldn’t sit still. – Joe Walsh
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