Norman Douglas A man can believe a considerable deal of rubbish, and yet go about his daily work in a rational and cheerful manner. – Norman Douglas Cheerful Quotes Considerable Quotes Daily Quotes Deal Quotes Manner Quotes Rational Quotes Rubbish Quotes They who are all things to their neighbors cease to be anything to themselves.
Robby Gordon I told Monster the other day, I’m a racer’s racer. This is what I truly love to do. – Robby Gordon
Kay Ivey When our state agencies work together, share resources and partner with the private sector to help connect businesses looking to hire with individuals actively seeking employment, Alabamians can rest assured we are doing our best to improve their quality of life. – Kay Ivey
Kevin Reilly It’s very nice to be part of an organization that you enjoyed and respected. – Kevin Reilly
Rafer Johnson It’s very warm there, so we were outdoors all the time. The local people had programs for us year-round, where as kids we had the opportunity to play football, basketball, baseball, track and field – we just went from one sport to the next, year-round. – Rafer Johnson
Ernest Borgnine Writers used to make such wonderful pictures without all that swearing, all that cursing. And now it seems that you can’t say three words without cursing. And I don’t think that’s right. – Ernest Borgnine
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