KnowledgePeter DruckerWork A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge. – Peter Drucker Application Quotes Knowledge Quotes Manager Quotes Performance Quotes Peter Drucker Quotes Responsible Quotes Work Quotes Love, work, and knowledge are the wellsprings of our lives, they should also govern it. My advice to women in general: Even if you’re doing a nine-to-five job, treat yourself like a boss. Not arrogant, but be sure of what you want – and don’t allow people to run anything for you without your knowledge.
Dav Pilkey Being an author is fun. It’s a great job, because I can stay up as late as I want, and if I feel like taking the day off, I do it. Plus, I get to make up silly stories and draw pictures all day. – Dav Pilkey
Mary Nightingale I have never had a problem with not being able to do anything just because I am on telly every day. – Mary Nightingale
EnvironmentalGene Green E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States and can pose serious environmental and health problems here and around the world when not handled properly. – Gene Green
J R Smith Building stuff. Lifting blocks. That’s how I got stronger. I never lifted weights. I just did masonry work with my pops. – J R Smith
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