Ruby Dee A nation’s youths shouldn’t be sent off to die. – Ruby Dee Die Quotes Nations Quotes Youths Quotes One reason I didn’t trust my writing for so long was that I always considered myself a serious dramatic actor. But people would always laugh when I shared my writing with them. It took my husband to help me see that I really am part humorist. I learned that having great sensitivity is important. But being strong is just as important.
Jade Bird My mum brought me up by herself, pretty much. She had me at the age of 20, and my grandmother was a single mother, too, for most of her life. – Jade Bird
Becky AlbertalliBirthday I don’t set up screenings. I can barely plan my kid’s birthday party. – Becky Albertalli
Michael Wolff The Snowden story, which won the Guardiana Pulitzer Prize, became the realisation of Rusbridger’s dream of a brand-building, left-wing-uniting, global and viral story. – Michael Wolff
Dickey Betts In 1969, I was playing guitar in several rock bands that toured central Florida. – Dickey Betts
Ned Lamont Building a stronger, more diverse workforce is a crucial part of our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’re committed to continuing to think creatively in partnership with all of our state’s communities to make that goal a reality. – Ned Lamont
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