Lois Frankel A North Korea that has the capability to use a nuclear weapon that can reach an American city or those of an ally poses a grave challenge as the U.S. seeks to preserve peace and stability in the region. – Lois Frankel Ally Quotes American Quotes Capability Quotes Challenge Quotes City Quotes Grave Quotes Korea Quotes North Quotes Nuclear Quotes Peace Quotes Poses Quotes Preserve Quotes Reach Quotes Region Quotes Seeks Quotes Stability Quotes Weapon Quotes I really do believe in succession building and giving people experience for future leadership. Japan and South Korea are two of America’s greatest trading partners and home to important U.S. military bases.
Mike Honda The Patriot Act addresses various subjects. Some sections are beneficial and enhance our national security. – Mike Honda
MomMorgan Wallen I didn’t even know what ‘The Voice’ was, but my mom said, ‘I signed you up for this singing show,’ and I was like, ‘All right, I guess.’ – Morgan Wallen
Lesley Gore The short story and the truth is that I was taking vocal lessons here in New York… One day, instead of my lesson, the piano player and I went into a studio… and we put down some demos… Those demos got to Quincy Jones through an agent… He listened to them, he called me, and we started to record. – Lesley Gore
Arleigh Burke Any commander who fails to exceed his authority is not of much use to his subordinates. – Arleigh Burke
Johnny Miller I try to really say what I think is happening, and I’m pretty forthright. I obviously hold back some things. But pretty much, what I see and feel, I say on the air. – Johnny Miller
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