Derek WalcottPatience A noun is not a name you give something. It is something you watch becoming itself, and you have to have the patience to find out what it is. – Derek Walcott Noun Quotes Patience Quotes Watch Quotes I have discovered the virtue of patience and I don’t quite believe that taking a break for good reason can be a risk. Having patience is one of the hardest things about being human. We want to do it now, and we don’t want to wait. Sometimes we miss out on our blessing when we rush things and do it on our own time.
Jamie S Miller I start with the outcome – increasing efficiency, lowering scrap and cost – and then execute toward that. – Jamie S Miller
Angeles Mastretta We, in the late ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, are acting like we have just discovered freedom and liberation. But I’m sure that many women have worked for that for such a long time. – Angeles Mastretta
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