Paul Harvey A policeman must know everything – and not tell. He must know where all the sin is and not partake. – Paul Harvey Partake Quotes Policeman Quotes Sin Quotes Dependency arguments often come from elites – either aid agencies or governments – and say something about attitudes to poor people. As industry’s tycoons of the Thirties got their wings clipped, labor’s leaders in the Eighties are getting their wings clipped. Not because of any class-related antagonism, but because any excess, ultimately, is its own undoing.
Joshua Oppenheimer Native Americans’ families experience living surrounded, living in increasingly small reservations surrounded by the society that destroyed their civilization, and are still stigmatized. For decades and decades, for hundreds of years except in Indian schools, they weren’t allowed to speak their language. That stigma takes a terrible toll. – Joshua Oppenheimer
Donna Shalala I’ll be one of the spokespeople, one of the people who sells the Administration’s plans. – Donna Shalala
ChanceKen BlanchardSadTravel At Southwest, they’re on a mission to democratize air travel. When they first started, the only people who could fly were relatively wealthy businesspeople, and Herb Kelleher’s vision was to offer everyone the chance to visit a friend or relative during a happy and a sad time. That’s a vision employees can get excited about. – Ken Blanchard
Andrew McCabe I have taken an oath already to the United States of America to protect and defend the Constitution. That is the only oath I will take. – Andrew McCabe
Richard Belzer You remember France, it’s the country that financed the American Revolution… OK, it was in their self-interest, but still, they made it happen. Let’s face it: without the French, there would be no America… in other words, without them, there is no us. – Richard Belzer
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