AttitudePositiveRichard M DeVos A positive attitude is a choice, like walking to the other side of a street to avoid trouble or making a 180-degree turn when you feel you’re heading in the wrong direction. – Richard M DeVos Attitude Quotes Avoid Quotes Choice Quotes Direction Quotes Feel Quotes Heading Quotes Positive Quotes Richard M. Devos Quotes Street Quotes Trouble Quotes Walking Quotes Wrong Quotes A positive impact stems from our admission that we were wrong or our thinking was wrong. ‘I’m wrong’ are two little words that can help improve our own positive attitude. Modern Orthodoxy has a highly positive attitude toward the State of Israel. Our Ultra-Orthodox brethren recognize only the Holy Land, but not the state.
Saoirse Ronan Sometimes the director will want you to write about the character, sometimes he’ll want you to live in the location that the character is from or something like that, but I don’t usually make a lot of notes or anything like that. – Saoirse Ronan
Amanda Nunes I don’t have anything personal against Valentina, but I think she changed a lot, her personality. In one interview, she says something and the other one she goes completely the other way. – Amanda Nunes
Nicola Walker There are a lot of women – directors, producers, writers – involved in my career. They are all interested in telling good stories, and good stories involve men and women. – Nicola Walker
Peter Asher Well, in the sense that we do not tour or record together anymore – then I suppose not. But if our old recordings get heard more we shall be delighted. – Peter Asher
John Rzeznik The first record we made in three days. We literally stayed up for three days making the first album. It was crazy, crazy, crazy for us to do that. We couldn’t believe anyone would give us a record deal. I look back on that record fondly but with just the slightest bit of a cringe. – John Rzeznik
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