Nick Castle A producer friend of mine from film school had read some of my early screenplays – some experiments I had done to see how fast I could write something. – Nick Castle Experiments Quotes Fast Quotes Film Quotes Friend Quotes Producer Quotes Read Quotes School Quotes Screenplays Quotes Write Quotes So when ‘Skatetown’ came up at Columbia and Ray Stark’s studio, the idea was to do it quick. They wanted it out in the fall, and they gave me the treatment on July 4th weekend! I wrote it in four days, and, you know, it kind of looks like it. The idea of acting on the first ‘Halloween’, it didn’t really apply to my eventual work, working with actors.
James Maslow Both singing and acting are so rewarding that I couldn’t pick between the two. – James Maslow
Ahmad Balshe A lot of times I don’t really work with people based on a look. I work with people I know, and that I think would bring something to the music. Ultimately I think that’s the best way to go about it. – Ahmad Balshe
Ben Carson The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins; that’s very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward. – Ben Carson
Jonah Lomu I was this guy who’d been racing around down there, on that field in 1999, running straight over people, scoring tries, winning games, having fun. And I ended up so sick I couldn’t even run past a little baby. – Jonah Lomu
Roger Stone I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays. It was my first political trick. – Roger Stone
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