Nick Clooney A salute from this corner to President Bush for saying he was willing to investigate raising or eliminating the cap on salaries subject to the Social Security tax. – Nick Clooney Bush Quotes Cap Quotes Corner Quotes Eliminating Quotes Investigate Quotes President Quotes Raising Quotes Salaries Quotes Salute Quotes Security Quotes Social Quotes Subject Quotes Tax Quotes Currently, 94 out of 100 of us pay the Social Security tax all year round. It is statesmanlike for the administration and Congress to look to our nation’s welfare beyond their terms in office.
Ross Douthat It is not white nationalism to recognize limiting principles on liberal universalism, and a justifiable role for particularity – ethnic, cultural, religious – in many political arrangements. – Ross Douthat
Don RicklesHopePositiveSuccess Whatever you do to gain success, you have to hang in there and hope good things happen. Always think positive. – Don Rickles
Ben BrantleySad I have received hostile voice mail messages and e-mails. They are often anonymous, I’m sad to say, as anonymous messages are delivered only by very low forms of human life, in my opinion. – Ben Brantley
Seth Berkley Measles is probably the best argument for why there needs to be global health, and why we have to think about it as a global public good. Because in a sense, measles is the canary in the coal mine for immunization. It is, you know, highly transmissible. The vaccine costs 15 cents, so it’s not – you know, shouldn’t be an issue in terms of cost. – Seth Berkley
David Johansen Until I was six years old we lived in the projects, then my two brothers and three sisters and I moved to a three-bed that my mother’s father built. – David Johansen
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