María Blasco Marhuenda A short telomere represents a persistent and non-repairable damage to the cells, which is able to prevent their division or regeneration. – María Blasco Marhuenda Cells Quotes Damage Quotes Division Quotes Nonrepairable Quotes Persistent Quotes Prevent Quotes Regeneration Quotes Represents Quotes Short Quotes Telomere Quotes Aging is not currently regarded as a disease, but researchers tend increasingly to view it as the common origin of conditions like insulin resistance or cardiovascular disease, whose incidence rises with age. In treating cell aging, we could prevent these diseases. It will be useful for you to know your biological age and maybe to change your lifestyle habits if you find you have short telomeres.
David Grann The amazing thing about the sea is that it is perhaps the last truly unexplored frontier; most oceanographers estimate that only about ninety-five per cent of the sea has been studied. Meanwhile, the oceans are believed to contain more animals than exist on land, a majority of which have never been discovered. – David Grann
Jolene Blalock It’s diamonds in your pockets one week, macaroni and cheese the next. – Jolene Blalock
Scott Dixon I’m sure there will be business ventures and things down the road, but I definitely don’t want to be a team owner. – Scott Dixon
Kevin Owens Thank God for FaceTime. I can’t imagine wrestlers from the ’80s being on the road all the time without cell phones and stuff like that. – Kevin Owens
Danny K Davis I voted proudly for the first time for John Fitzgerald Kennedy for president of the United States. – Danny K Davis
Sriti Jha We breathe life into a role, and it’s overwhelming to receive positive feedback. – Sriti Jha
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