Jojo Moyes A stylish person, for me, is one who draws your eye without necessarily being showy; they wear clothes that are beautifully cut, flatter the wearer, and show that they are not impervious to fashion, but not a slave to it either. – Jojo Moyes Beautifully Quotes Clothes Quotes Cut Quotes Draws Quotes Eye Quotes Fashion Quotes Flatter Quotes Impervious Quotes Person Quotes Showy Quotes Slave Quotes Stylish Quotes Wear Quotes Wearer Quotes My go-to winter recipe is beef and butternut squash stew, cooked in the slow oven all day. My writing life has included the struggle to bring up three children. What I do three or four times a year is take myself off to a hotel room to unblock a problem.
Frank Farian Boney M was the most perfect mix of black and white music, but in America, music still had to be black or white. The real crossover didn’t come until the late 70s, early 80s. – Frank Farian
Cara Delevingne I love comfort. Comfort is very key to me because I spend most of my time in very uncomfortable things, so it’s all about trainers and flats. – Cara Delevingne
Barbara Grizzuti Harrison The most painful moral struggles are not those between good and evil, but between the good and the lesser good. – Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Richard Morris All you hear Catholics turning out these days are pop versions of the old Protestant anthems. – Richard Morris
Jofra Archer I had one injury in pretty much a year of cricket, and it was my first since being in the England team, so I’m very happy to be back, touch wood. – Jofra Archer
Peter Roskam We must commit ourselves to an ‘all of the above’ energy approach, with a major focus on increasing domestic production and expanding alternatives fuels, while increasing efficiency and conservation standards. – Peter Roskam
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