Paul TherouxTravel A travel book is about someone who goes somewhere, travels on the ground, sees something and spends quite a lot of time doing it, and has a hard time, and then comes back and writes about it. It’s not about inventing. – Paul Theroux Book Quotes Ground Quotes Hard Quotes Inventing Quotes Lot Quotes Spends Quotes Time Quotes Travel Quotes Travels Quotes Writes Quotes Mark Twain was a great traveler and he wrote three or four great travel books. I wouldn’t say that I’m a travel novelist but rather a novelist who travels – and who uses travel as a background for finding stories of places. Travel works best when you’re forced to come to terms with the place you’re in.
E Joseph Cossman When I returned to the United States after three years of World War II service, my total assets consisted of one wife, one small daughter, $276 in the bank, and an idea. The idea was for an export business to supply items badly needed everywhere in Europe. – E Joseph Cossman
Scott Hamilton Always try to maintain complete tolerance and always make an effort to give people more than they expect. – Scott Hamilton
Richarlison Neymar has been an idol of mine since childhood. I’ve always tried to mirror myself in the way he plays, and I’ve also tried imitating some of his haircuts. – Richarlison
Ellen KeyPatriotism Whereas nationalism still seeks power, honour, and glory through means that endanger other countries, patriotism knows that a country’s strength and honour can only be permanently safeguarded through concourse with other countries. And whereas nationalism scoffs at the idea of international laws and regulations, patriotism seeks to create such. – Ellen Key
Joel C Rosenberg Maybe it’s time to go back 2,000 years for a spiritual renaissance. If not, our days may be numbered and a terrible implosion is coming. There is no more middle ground. It is one or the other. – Joel C Rosenberg
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