Peter Senge A well-managed business will have a high return on invested capital. But that’s a consequence. It’s not a way to manage a business. – Peter Senge Business Quotes Capital Quotes Consequence Quotes Invested Quotes Manage Quotes Return Quotes Wellmanaged Quotes The most universal challenge that we face is the transition from seeing our human institutions as machines to seeing them as embodiments of nature. I’m really interested in how you create a whole new economy of recycling. It’s literally the ‘underground economy.’ All this stuff that on the surface creates growth and profit, ends up with waste, junk, and CO2. So how do you make it economic to bring new players into the ball game?
BusinessPep Guardiola You know what happens in all the big companies and business in the world. If something doesn’t work, you have to find a solution. – Pep Guardiola
Noreena Hertz What about those who help growth indirectly, those who stay at home and look after others – mothers, carers of elderly parents or sick relatives who save the state millions of pounds annually. What is their worth? How is their value to be determined? – Noreena Hertz
James Newton Howard I hate bad reviews, so yeah, every now and then I think, ‘Boy I hope everybody really likes this and thinks this theme is good.’ You can’t help but do that. I think we all are, or at least I am, reduced to a schoolboy seeking approval. – James Newton Howard
Jerry West I see people that have success, and I see how poised and polished they are and how they handle it. I wonder inside if they feel the same way that I feel. – Jerry West
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