John Lubbock A wise system of education will at last teach us how little man yet knows, how much he has still to learn. – John Lubbock Education Quotes Learn Quotes Teach Quotes Wise Quotes We often hear of people breaking down from overwork, but in nine out of ten they are really suffering from worry or anxiety. If we are ever in doubt about what to do, it is a good rule to ask ourselves what we shall wish on the morrow that we had done.
Nikola Vucevic I think that’s one of the best things about us being professional athletes, just being a role model for others, really embracing that and trying to do the best you can. – Nikola Vucevic
ChanceJean-Paul Sartre Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance. – Jean-Paul Sartre
Arca The only thing that mattered to me with ‘Xen’ was setting things up against each other in an uncomfortable way. If there’s a really soft piece of music, and then you’re hit by a painful explosive sound, your brain does this funny somersault trying to make sense of why this happened. And at that very moment, your brain is malleable. – Arca
Finn Cole I always loved acting. I always loved realism. I loved the theatre, specifically small audience, real-sets stuff. – Finn Cole
Mos Def If Islam’s sole interest is the welfare of mankind, then Islam is the strongest advocate of human rights anywhere on Earth. – Mos Def
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