Groucho Marx A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke. – Groucho Marx Cigar Quotes Occasional Quotes Pleasure Quotes Smoke Quotes Woman Quotes Go, and never darken my towels again. Room service? Send up a larger room.
Josh Gad I really love the traditional aspects of Judaism. My wife is born and raised a Catholic and I enjoy celebrating those rituals as well. I am very spiritual but not in any way religious, no. – Josh Gad
AmazingLucy Hawking I never thought I would become amazing. I never thought I would be as great as my father. I would like to continue writing novels, and hopefully, at some point, I would like to make the switch from being ‘Stephen Hawking’s daughter’ to ‘novelist Lucy Hawking,’ and that will be a fabulous day. – Lucy Hawking
Sage Northcutt I would like to be the youngest UFC world champion. I believe I can accomplish that. – Sage Northcutt
Peter Max When I am in New York, you know, my studio is big, about 20,000 to 25,000 square feet, and I have painting rooms and rooms I do etching in, rooms I do lithographs. – Peter Max
Park Yeon-mi People would ask me about my hobbies and what I liked. I had never been asked those questions because what I thought didn’t matter. I didn’t know what a hobby was. In North Korea we used ‘we,’ and to say – ‘I like this,’ – was the worst thing you could say. – Park Yeon-mi
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