David Ignatius A world in which there are no secrets that can be protected at all is going to be a pretty dangerous world. – David Ignatius Dangerous Quotes Pretty Quotes Protected Quotes Secrets Quotes Machiavelli did believe that it was better to appear to be good than to be good. If you’re good, you’re just too vulnerable, but if you appear to be good, you get all the benefits plus you can be sneaky and, when necessary, stab someone in the back. The secret of any kind of reporting is to go with a guide. So if you, you’re going to see Hezbollah in Beirut, you go with someone who knows the local people, and you’ll be fine.
Jerry Only I would have hated to been locked into music for the last 20 years and not been able to have a family. – Jerry Only
George P Shultz I learned in business that you had to be very careful when you told somebody that’s working for you to do something, because the chances were very high he’d do it. In government, you don’t have to worry about that. – George P Shultz
David Graeber It is assumed in many parts of the world that democracy is a group of people facing a certain problem, who come together to solve it in a way where everyone has an equal say. – David Graeber
R Kelly R. Kelly is an image, a brand. That’s my job. There’s a whole other side of me that’s Robert, who is a father, a friend. But then I put on the game face and go into the studio and do the music. That’s just another day at the office. – R Kelly
Nick Hornby I have boys, and boys are particularly resistant to reading books. I had some success recently with Sherman Alexie’s great young adult novel ‘The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian.’ I told my son it was highly inappropriate for him and one of the most banned books in America. That got his attention, and he raced through it. – Nick Hornby
Jesse Armstrong You’ve got to trust the audience, and hopefully if you do interesting work you’ll get an audience that are interested and engaged. But if they go out thinking, ‘Ra-ra-ra, I wanna be like Malcolm Tucker,’ then at a certain point you can’t take responsibility for that person. That person’s just a moron. – Jesse Armstrong
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