Adam Silvera Absence is absence, you know? The loss of someone can be just as devastating if they’re alive as if they’re dead. – Adam Silvera Absence Quotes Alive Quotes Dead Quotes Devastating Quotes Loss Quotes I was very lucky to befriend many authors before even signing with an agent, and they were all so supportive of me when I told them I was in the middle of my first book. Sexuality is very fluid, but I never chose to be gay.
Matt Letscher As an actor, you are always waiting for someone else to be able to tell you when it’s okay to work, and as a writer, you can just pick up your computer and start whenever you want. That is really freeing. – Matt Letscher
Adam Hamilton When my kids were growing up, I wanted their teachers to teach them science, reading, math and history. I also wanted them to care about my kids. But I did not want my children’s public school teachers teaching them religion. That was my job as a parent and the job of our church, Sunday school, and youth group. – Adam Hamilton
Dick Thornburgh Yet, Puerto Rico’s economic convergence and political integration with the rest of the nation is in a state of arrest – even though the island has been within the national borders, political system and customs territory of the U.S. for a century. – Dick Thornburgh
Reginald VelJohnson Black lives certainly do matter – that’s one thing. But, it’s just that in every profession, there are bad, as well as there are good. I think it’s wrong to make cops – or any group – out to be the enemy based on a generalization. Stigmas and generalizations about groups are what get this world into such turmoil. – Reginald VelJohnson
Kerri Walsh Jennings Prior to having babies, I thought – I thought I was so busy, and now I realize just how ignorant I was. – Kerri Walsh Jennings
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