John Travolta Acting is a mix of luck and choice. I got lucky. – John Travolta Acting Quotes Choice Quotes Luck Quotes Lucky Quotes Mix Quotes I was just thinking of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe and how young they were when they died. I would like to be a pop icon who survives. I would like to be a living icon. When I was 8, I got a little toy propeller plane: You could turn it on and the people disappeared from the little windows and stewardesses appeared, and it ran along the ground.
Steve Rushin We can project just about anything we want onto NFL owners – one of them is named Arthur Blank, for heaven’s sake. He’s a walking Mad Lib, just waiting for us to complete him. – Steve Rushin
Candice Accola I love spin classes. I’m also very big on music, so I make a mix on my iPod that’s 45 minutes to an hour long of music that pumps me up so I know how much time I’ve been at the gym without looking at the clock. Put your favorite songs towards the end of the mix, so this way you keep going until you hear your favorite song. – Candice Accola
Joshua Ostrander My dream is to play Coachella, main stage, when the sun’s going down. – Joshua Ostrander
Boo Weekley I grew up with both my parents around me at all times, but my kids are not knowing who I am half the time. – Boo Weekley
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