Matt Berry Actors are a great subject for a comedy. They’re inherently funny because, like sportsmen, they take themselves so seriously. – Matt Berry Actors Quotes Comedy Quotes Funny Quotes Inherently Quotes Sportsmen Quotes Subject Quotes A lot of actors do that – they blame their failure on their agents or their photos. But that is just putting off the real issues. The only reason I’m associated with ‘the Boosh’ is because Richard Ayoade, who was meant to be doing Bainbridge, couldn’t do it because of something with Channel 4, so I ended up doing it.
Ginger Zee Ten days before I started my job at ABC News, I checked myself into a mental health hospital. – Ginger Zee
Jonjo Shelvey I wasn’t happy playing one or two games then coming out of the team. I wanted to carry on playing week in, week out. – Jonjo Shelvey
Avi Kaplan I mean four hours of rehearsal done, trying out for ‘The Sing-Off,’ and now winning is just a dream come true for all of us. – Avi Kaplan
Pearl S Buck All things are possible until they are proved impossible – and even the impossible may only be so, as of now. – Pearl S Buck
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