Sam Mendes Actors get pigeonholed very quickly, particularly movie actors. In the theater, one is more used to casting people against type and trusting that their talent and skill will get them through. – Sam Mendes Actors Quotes Casting Quotes Movie Quotes People Quotes Pigeonholed Quotes Skill Quotes Talent Quotes Theater Quotes Trusting Quotes Type Quotes One movie is only one movie. I want to have a lifetime of making films. For me, certain shots or scenes are keys in the movie.
Saint Ignatius Occupy yourself in beholding and bewailing your own imperfections rather than contemplating the imperfections of others. – Saint Ignatius
Bela Lugosi I studied at the Budapest Academy of Theatrical Arts for four years and emerged with a degree. – Bela Lugosi
Hale Appleman Born in the Village. My mom still lives on Bleeker Street. I went to the performing arts high school. – Hale Appleman
AgeRonald Reagan Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders. – Ronald Reagan
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