Russell Mael After a few aborted attempts at movie projects, to have ‘Annette’ be so well received to be the opening night film at Cannes was like a dream come true for us. – Russell Mael Aborted Quotes Annette Quotes Attempts Quotes Cannes Quotes Dream Quotes Film Quotes Movie Quotes Night Quotes Projects Quotes Received Quotes TRUE Quotes For all artists… you want to be loved and adored by as many people as you can. But the moral we’ve learned is, if you fish for that, you will lose your integrity. I really take pleasure and pride in singing the way people expect me to.
Julia Hartz Many tech companies experience steep growth curves that require them to build their teams at breakneck speeds. – Julia Hartz
Imran Khan I am called an Islamic fundamentalist by Rushdie. My critics in Pakistan say I am a Zionist agent. I must be doing something right. – Imran Khan
Neeti Mohan My problem starts when I see that in a situation when the girl is telling her feeling, say crying or laughing, the song is sung by a male singer. – Neeti Mohan
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin All men, even those we call savages, have been so tormented by the passion for strong drinks, that limited as their capacities were, they were yet able to manufacture them. – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Eddy Alvarez I don’t think anyone should be put into a box, nor should you allow yourself to be put into that box. – Eddy Alvarez
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