Jacques Barzun After being boxed in by man and his constructions in Europe and the East, the release into space is exhilarating. The horizon is a huge remote circle, and no hills intervene. – Jacques Barzun Boxed Quotes Circle Quotes Constructions Quotes East Quotes Europe Quotes Exhilarating Quotes Hills Quotes Horizon Quotes Huge Quotes Intervene Quotes Release Quotes Remote Quotes Space Quotes By the time I was 9, I had the conviction that everybody in the world was an artist except plumbers or people who delivered groceries. Except among those whose education has been in the minimalist style, it is understood that hasty moral judgments about the past are a form of injustice.
David Levering Lewis Government doesn’t do much for the new Americans. The assumption is that they’ll take care of themselves if they work hard enough. – David Levering Lewis
Linford Christie When I was competing I didn’t have a nutritionist. It wasn’t something that British athletics offered back then. – Linford Christie
Persis Khambatta I arrived in Hollywood and lived much of my life in America, but the fans did not really know me. – Persis Khambatta
EnvironmentalLiu Cixin Humans are selfish, and because of our innate selfishness, I’m very confident that we can overcome any amount of environmental destruction. – Liu Cixin
Stanley Crouch Everybody has to be reminded that there’s another way to be. Another more mysterious, unpredictable way to be that’s not necessarily based upon contrivances. – Stanley Crouch
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