David Lidington After Brexit, the E.U. will no longer legislate for us. All laws will be passed by the U.K. parliament and the devolved legislatures. Parliament will be truly sovereign, with the freedom to accept or reject any new rules. – David Lidington Accept Quotes Brexit Quotes Devolved Quotes Eu Quotes Freedom Quotes Laws Quotes Legislate Quotes Legislatures Quotes Parliament Quotes Passed Quotes Reject Quotes Rules Quotes Sovereign Quotes After we leave the E.U., the British Standards Institute should also remain a member of the European Standards Organisation, which is not an E.U. institution. Both the U.K. and the E.U. have made a sincere commitment to the people of Northern Ireland: there will be no hard border. Equally, as a U.K. government, we could not countenance a future in which a border was drawn in the Irish Sea, separating Northern Ireland from the rest of the U.K.
Nic Pizzolatto For the finale, I thought the audience deserved to get a close point of view on the monster, and to recognize him the way you recognize the heroes of ‘True Detective.’ – Nic Pizzolatto
Shankar Mahadevan There is always a musical exchange happening between me and my sons. – Shankar Mahadevan
David A Adler I write both fiction and nonfiction. I begin my fiction with the main character. The story comes later. – David A Adler
Elisabeth Moss I love my work, but I do not think that I am saving the world… I am a Valley Girl. – Elisabeth Moss
Plutarch We ought not to treat living creatures like shoes or household belongings, which when worn with use we throw away. – Plutarch
Alan Cohen You are in integrity when the life you are living on the outside matches who you are on the inside. – Alan Cohen
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