Amy Heckerling After Gmail, if you have AOL, people are like, ‘Are you still with this?’ What does it matter what e-mail you have? – Amy Heckerling Aol Quotes Email Quotes Gmail Quotes Matter Quotes People Quotes Unfortunately, if you’re going to say anything that’s in your head, you’re going to get some kickback. I’m real excited by a phone where I can look at my kid and talk to her face.
David Means I’m not sure if a writer should talk about themes. Themes arrive out of the deeper structure and concerns, but to me, the main thing is getting it down right, writing about specific characters in specific predicaments, and finding a way to be true to the story itself, not only in the first burst of draft but in the revision, too. – David Means
Shirley MacLaine Someday perhaps change will occur when times are ready for it instead of always when it is too late. Someday change will be accepted as life itself. – Shirley MacLaine
Jeff Giles It has taken Thomas Harris 11 years to publish the sequel to ‘The Silence of the Lambs,’ which suggests that while everyone was desperate to read it, he was not desperate to write it. – Jeff Giles
Neeti Mohan You have to be gifted to begin with, of course, but what follows is a process that takes a very long time. You train, you listen, you travel, you follow artistes… all of it goes into making you who you are as a performing artiste. – Neeti Mohan
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