Adam Savage Again, like I said, my life has been about being fascinated by objects and the stories that they tell, and also making them for myself, obtaining them, appreciating them and diving into them. – Adam Savage Appreciating Quotes Diving Quotes Fascinated Quotes Life Quotes Objects Quotes Obtaining Quotes Stories Quotes I am now standing in a mixture of cooling fluid, gasoline, and cola. Firemen have the coolest toys ever!
Martie Maguire I love the tone of old, non-amplified, real acoustic fiddles, and Wood Violins are the closest thing I have found to that sound. They play beautifully! – Martie Maguire
Norman Geisler Pluralism is denied logically; inclusivism is denied scripturally, and that leaves us with exclusivism… you have to know that Jesus died and believe in it in order to be saved. – Norman Geisler
ChangeGiordano BrunoTruth It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people. – Giordano Bruno
Colm Meaney I played trombone for 10 minutes, and then I was in an accordion band in school for even less. – Colm Meaney
Gilbert Baker My parents and I didn’t speak for 10 years. It took a long time to rebuild that relationship. – Gilbert Baker
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