Letitia Elizabeth Landon Ah, tell me not that memory sheds gladness o’er the past, what is recalled by faded flowers, save that they did not last? – Letitia Elizabeth Landon Faded Quotes Flowers Quotes Gladness Quotes Memory Quotes Oer Quotes Recalled Quotes Save Quotes Sheds Quotes There is a large stock on hand; but somehow or other, nobody’s experience ever suits us but our own. Were it not better to forget than to remember and regret?
Alison Weir If people really want to know and learn from history, why do they want bad history? Why don’t they want good history? Wouldn’t you rather know the truth, rather than the legend? – Alison Weir
Andreja Pejic I’ve definitely had my struggles with the male species, as I’m sure most girls have. – Andreja Pejic
Brenton Thwaites I studied drama at the Queensland University of Technology, which was amazing. I can’t speak highly enough of that school. – Brenton Thwaites
Sanjeeda Sheikh If I weren’t an actor today, I would have been a choreographer for sure. – Sanjeeda Sheikh
DatingEmily V GordonWedding Sometimes we put so much effort into things we’re doing, like dating or wedding planning, that we don’t stop to think about whether or not we even want the results of that effort. – Emily V Gordon
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