Phyllis Diller Aim high, and you won’t shoot your foot off. – Phyllis Diller Aim Quotes Foot Quotes Shoot Quotes The reason women don’t play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outfit in public. Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
Neha Bhasin Of course, my stomach was circled on the television in a meeting and I was told that this video is not being released because I am fat. And this was when I was like 49 kg. – Neha Bhasin
Jimmy O Yang I hope I can get to more and more of the Chinese audience and kind of lead the way to maybe, y’know, inspire seems like a big word, but y’know… inspire to get people into entertainment because I think we can be just as good as anybody else. – Jimmy O Yang
ReligionVarg Vikernes I know too much about religion to be religious, so to speak, and I am not that stupid, either. – Varg Vikernes
Maren Morris There are so many times I turn on the radio, and I hear a guy, and I have no idea who it is because it sounds like four other people. – Maren Morris
Rikishi We love professional wrestling. It started with High Chief Peter Maivia and then Afa and Sika. The teachings that they have. The respect for the business. You protect the business. You go out there and be the best that you can. – Rikishi
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