Jens Martin Skibsted Airships could be part of the answer to Africa’s infrastructure woes – if the financial challenges are overcome. – Jens Martin Skibsted Africas Quotes Airships Quotes Answer Quotes Challenges Quotes Financial Quotes Infrastructure Quotes Overcome Quotes Woes Quotes The advantage of using airships in remote areas with little road infrastructure to support development is clear. Airships could ensure the delivery of humanitarian supplies to remote communities. Just imagine how many more cyclists could help save our cities and prevent further global warming by adopting electric bikes, if they received strategic and financial support similar to electric car drivers.
Jessie Mueller I grew up watching the films of ‘Carousel’ and ‘Oklahoma’ and ‘The Music Man’ and ‘My Fair Lady’ – all the classic musicals of that golden era, The sort of more modern musical theater, or what was modern when I was at a ripe teenage age, I wasn’t really listening to that stuff. I was really more raised on the classics. – Jessie Mueller
MoviesTech N9ne I don’t really want to do movies, but I tried. I don’t feel like acting is my thing; I think music is my strong area. – Tech N9ne
EnvironmentalGrimesSad I’m sad that it’s uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues. – Grimes
Bianca Del Rio Oh my God, of course there’s everybody in the world that I would love to work with. I mean I got to meet and work with Joan Rivers, who was my absolute favorite. Sadly I didn’t get to meet Mr. Don Rickles before he passed. – Bianca Del Rio
Rosemary Harris I had a teacher/director at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, where I trained for a year, named Mary Duff, who taught me practically everything I know. – Rosemary Harris
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