Sarah MacLean Alas, summer sun can’t last forever. The days will grow cooler and shorter, and our skin will once again pale. – Sarah MacLean Alas Quotes Cooler Quotes Days Quotes Grow Quotes Pale Quotes Shorter Quotes Skin Quotes Summer Quotes Sun Quotes Like so many others, I came to romance during the golden age of it – Judith McNaught, Julie Garwood, Johanna Lindsey and Jude Deveraux were at the height of their historical domination. Without those women, I wouldn’t be a romance novelist. As winter approaches – bringing cold weather and family drama – we crave page-turners, books made for long nights and tryptophan-induced sloth.
Aurora Oh, I’ve always been very… Emotional. ‘Hypersensitive’ is what they call it, I think. – Aurora
Leandra Medine One thing I didn’t think upon getting married: that my style would – or could – change. – Leandra Medine
Catherine Hicks One of the reasons you take a role is because it’s something you always wanted to do, from going to the movies as a kid. I always wanted to do a 1950s movie, for example. And I got a chance to be in ‘Peggy Sue Got Married.’ I would have taken only one line of dialogue to be in that. – Catherine Hicks
Marcus Samuelsson My family’s journey is something I am very proud of – in front of me, behind me and every part. – Marcus Samuelsson
Norman Schwarzkopf The Patriot missile is a point defence missile. Point defence means that you put the missile at a location to defend a very specific target such as an airfield, a supply dump or a headquarters. – Norman Schwarzkopf
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